With over 15 years of Tax and Business experience, we offer a 1 Stop Solution to all your Tax and Business Needs. Our knowledge of rules and regulations can help you avoid costly mistakes.

Tax Returns
We can assist with your personal and your business tax matters, in a responsive and accurate manner.
Latino Taxes
1 Stop Taxes, Inc. Un servicio completo, modelo clave para preparar planillas contributivas para negocios através de todo el país.
What others are saying…
1 Stop Taxes Social Network Talent Show
We have some of the most amazing customers in the world and we want to give them the opportunity to let their Talent be seen as well as win some awesome prizes.
If you are a 1 Stop Taxes customer, when you come in to do your taxes, let us record you for 60 seconds sharing one of your talents. You can sing, dance, play an instrument, or anything that you do well and want to share. We will upload your video to our 1 Stop Taxes Talent Show Album on Facebook.
How to Win?
Share your video!
The video with the most likes will win our grand prize of a $100 Visa Gift card.
2nd Place – $50 Visa Gift Card
3rd Place – $25 Visa Gift Card

March 2nd Cut off for video submissions
March 17th Announcing the Winner
*** Must be present in store to send us your video. We can record you or you can send us a video of your talent you have already had recorded.
View All Our Contestant Videos Here:
Desktop: https://www.facebook.com/1stopfss/playlist/190616028725120
Mobile: https://m.facebook.com/1stopfss/video_grid/…
Check back often as new videos will be uploaded daily until March 2nd. Don’t forget to like and share your favorites
Call Us
PH: 770-877-5565
FAX: 770-877-5550
PH: 706-602-0518
FAX: 706-602-0416
Send us a Message
Find Us
6103 J F Harris PKWY Suite G
Adairsville, GA 30103
216 West Belmont Dr.
Calhoun, GA 30701